
Monday 14th October, 2024

Stiperstones DT

Stiperstones have enjoyed creating some interesting culinary delights today as part of our DT learning!

Children chopped, measured and cooked whilst learning about the culture and origin of their fresh foods.

Friday 11th October, 2024

This week in Ercall

We have had a very eventful week this week in Ercall. As part of our science lessons we went to search different plants on the school grounds. The children spotted lots of different non-flowering and flowering plants. In D&T they made their own versions of advent calendars showing off all their hinge making skills. The children came up with some amazing and creative ideas.

Monday 24th June, 2024

Darwin’s Legacy in Stiperstones

Stiperstones are learning about the legacy left by the Darwin family, including the origins of St George’s School (which was founded by Charles Darwin’s sister, Caroline!)

We have considered the impact the school had on the local community in 1824 and the difference the school has made over the years to local children.

Tuesday 12th March, 2024

World book day at St George’s- Lawley

On Thursday 7th March, all children at St George’s took part in world book day. This was a lovely day celebrated by all and it was fantastic to see so many family members come into school to celebrate with the children.


As part of world book day every class decorated their door as a book cover. We also had children dressed up in fantastic costumes, lots of pictures of children reading in unusual places and world book day activities all throughout the day.



This years theme was ‘read your way’ and it really emphasises the work we have been doing as school on reading for pleasure and how important books can be for our children.



The children and adults really enjoyed the day and we look forward to welcoming family members into school for more community days in the future.


Friday 27th October, 2023

Harvest Donations

Thank you for all the Foodbank donations from our Harvest Festival.
There are bags and bags and bags!

The Foodbank are very grateful. We will be helping lots of local families who are in need of extra food.

Year 6 eco and school council pupils helped load up Mrs Sequeira’s car with all the bags. They just about fitted.

The foodbank workers had a big job sorting it all out ready for distribution.

Thursday 12th October, 2023

Pink Ribbon Tree Fundraiser Certificate

Sunday 24th September, 2023

Music Club’s First Music

Music Club met for the first time last week and our very first piece was

Somewhere Over the rainbow played on chimes.

It sounded beautiful.

We also played We Don’t Talk About Bruno on Boomwhackers.

We are looking forward to making all sorts of music on all sorts of instruments.



Sunday 24th September, 2023

Notable Year 4

Year 4 are writing rhythms in Music lessons using standard notation

They have read rhythms and played them on all sorts of sound makers including chairs!

They are getting very confident at playing rhythms with increasing accuracy. 🎶


Thursday 29th June, 2023

Music Concerts

All Year 3 and 4 have performed concerts this half term. The final one was today when Clee class played their ocarinas wonderfully.


All 6 concerts have been really well supported. It is wonderful to see the children performing and growing in confidence.


Year 3 learnt skills on ocarinas


Year 4 learnt skills on ukuleles

Thursday 29th June, 2023

Wild Flowers- Eco Warriors

Eco Warriors planted wild flower seeds in May.

They are looking very green and healthy.

There are already some flowers

The bees and butterflies will be happy!


Thursday 4th May, 2023

Planting for Bees and Butterflies

Year 5 Eco children have been preparing a patch of ground by the carpark for planting.

We will be planting seeds that will grow into flowers that will attract bees and butterflies.

Here we are at work..


Thursday 27th April, 2023

Year 6 Blues

Year 6 are learning about Blues music. 
They have been learning the structure of the ukulele chords in 12 bar blues and are writing their own blues lyrics.

Quite a few children chose to sing the SATs blues!

“Oh, it’s nearly May and we have got to do SATs

oh, it’s nearly May and we have got to do SATs

We wish we could just sit with our friends for chats”

Thursday 20th April, 2023

Ocarina Fun

Year 3 are working on ocarina skills.

We have leant how to hold them correctly, breath gently to make a smooth sound and cover the holes to change the pitch. Today we played Alice the Camel. It only uses 3 notes.

Monday 17th April, 2023

Our Green Day Pledges

On last term’s Green Day, everyone was able to write a pledge to help us live a greener life.

Here are some of our pledges on the leaves of our green tree.

Thursday 30th March, 2023

Easter Bunny Spotted by Stiperstones

Stiperstones spotted a visitor today… the Easter Bunny!

The illusive white rabbit was leaving clues for our Easter egg hunt today! We carefully approached her and asked for a picture. Rabbits can be shy… but this one was very friendly!