At St George’s Junior School, we offer a bespoke curriculum which is broad and balanced whilst taking into account our school’s unique characteristics. Our curriculum is co-designed by teachers and pupils, where a thematic, enquiry-based approach enables children to lead and teachers to facilitate the learning. We believe that learning should be enjoyable, investigative and enquiring, where there are no limits to curiosity and a thirst is developed for new experiences and knowledge.
Curriculum Intentions:
- To recognise pupils’ prior learning and provide progressive and exciting learning experiences
- To build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers and nurture a passion for learning
- To develop pupils’ aspirations demonstrating possibilities for their future lives
- To allow individuals to become well-rounded and emotionally healthy citizens
The St. George’s Way, our School Values and a Growth Mindset underpin all that we do in school to encourage pupils to be resilient, independent and understand the importance of collaboration. High expectations in language and communication strengthen the pupils’ ability to learn at a deeper level, enabling them to articulate their learning; demonstrating quality thinking and application of skills and knowledge.
Within the St. George’s community, every child is recognised as a unique individual, and we celebrate and welcome differences within our school to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity. Physical and mental wellbeing are prioritised within our curriculum design allowing children opportunities to exhibit spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
We provide enrichment opportunities to engage learning where community involvement is an integral part of our curriculum and learning is facilitated through a range of experiences such as involvement of families and visitors, assemblies, educational visits, curriculum events and topic days.
Pupils leave St. George’s Junior School with a sense of self belief and have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.
If you would like further information regarding our curriculum, plans can be found under ‘Discover our School’ and planning. Class teachers will always be happy to discuss any curriculum areas with you also.
SMSC & British Values
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of the children and the promotion of British Values takes place across all aspects of learning at St George’s.
We believe it is vitally important that our learners are able to succeed in our ever changing society and are prepared for life in modern Britain. Throughout their lives as individual and global citizens, they will encounter a diverse array of beliefs and cultures.
As a school we are required to promote British values through the SMSC development of our pupils. The British Government defines these as:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs.
All of these are experienced in a variety of activities, including class discussions, assemblies, visitors, workshops and lessons. SMSC development at St. George’s illustrates the ethics and values of the school community, including governors, parents and the wider community and is reflected throughout our ethos, policies, curriculum and assemblies. Children’s successes are also celebrated weekly.
Click on this link to get further information about how British Values are included in our curriculum.
British Values at St George’s Junior School.docx
Values at St George’s
Respectful, Responsible, Hard-working is the St. George’s Way
St. George’s Way
- Be kind, supportive and caring to all
- Be polite and show good manners in all that you do
- Treat others the way you would like to be treated
- Show respect for out school and other people’s belongings
- Always try to do your best
SMSC is demonstrated through the values our pupils demonstrate, their attitudes towards learning, socializing and the world’s society. We celebrate our school values, including British Values and SMSC values, to ensure all children are ready for their next steps. Our pupils are expected to play a positive role and contribute to school life and the wider community through following our values of being ‘Respectful, Responsible and Hard-working’, demonstrating the behaviours of the St. George’s Way. Examples of exemplary behaviours linked to our values are acknowledged and celebrated through assemblies, worship and circle times.
Find out more about the Governments requirements for SMSC on their website, link below: