Published on: 21st March, 2024

WC 18/3/2024


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Message from Mrs Lee

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our community

Comic Relief was a huge success. Thank you for your support. £220.57 was raised for charity. The day was a great event, with each of the school house teams taking part in a ‘leadership challenge’.

Thank you to our year 6 pupils who have been welcoming and introducing parents for parents’ evening. We are all so proud of the way they conducted themselves and represented our school. It was a joy to see their confidence and enjoyment in this role.

It has been great to welcome you into school this week for parents evening. We hope this has been positive for you. Thank you for the lovely comments and feedback. This has been greatly received by all of our staff.


Well done to our fabulous choir for their performances of Hoodwinked. A few shows have been enjoyed by audiences at St. George’s Junior and Woodfield Infants. Thank you to Miss Sequeira and Mrs Clark for their work in organising and supporting this.


We wish a very fond farewell to Mrs Phillips and Mrs Wagner. Mrs Phillips will be under-taking a slightly different role in education, but one where she will continue to have a fantastic impact upon helping the pupils she works with. We wish her every luck and success in her new role. She will be deeply missed by all of the staff and the children. Mrs Wagner will be leaving us too, which we are sad about also. Mrs Wagner has been a big part of the school and is a friendly, well-known, and helpful member of staff. There are lots of jobs that Mrs Wagner gets involved with across the school, but her best is when she gets to be with the children at lunchtimes. In her new role, Mrs Wagner will be an asset. We know that Mrs Wagner plans to keep in contact and come back to visit us. Good luck to you both from everyone at St. George’s. You will be missed and we wish you both lots of luck!


As a school, we have a lettings policy, with our school hall being available for hire. If you are aware of how this could benefit community use, please contact Mrs Pacini, who will be happy to discuss this with you.


Trips are an integral part of our curriculum, and this offers further enrichment to pupil learning. We want all pupils to be able to participate and we fully understand that the cost of living is difficult for some families. Recently, the number of non-payments has increased, and whilst school cannot enforce payment, school does not have budget to be able to cover costs, and trips are dependent upon costs being covered. Unfortunately, if sufficient funds are not generated, it would be with great sadness that trips would not be able to go ahead and would be cancelled. This is not something that we wish to do and hope you understand the important of paying for trips where you are able to. Discussions and support around payments can be arranged as school would like to work with our families.


The PTFA have set up an Easter trail and continue to carry out fabulous work to support both schools. We are very grateful to the PTFA team in how they provide fantastic opportunities and raise funds for great causes and areas of need.

Time has passed quickly again, and we are at the end of Spring term 1. It has been a pleasure to continue to lead St. George’s, to have a school of wonderful children, a fantastic team of staff and community positively working with us.

Please, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, let school know and someone within our team will gladly help.

I hope that you all have a lovely Easter break – let’s hope for some sunshine and less of the wet weather.

Take care all,

Mrs Lee

Crumble programming

As part of our Computing unit this term we have been using Crumble to program, creating a flashing and spinning toy.

We have had great fun learning how to use drag and drop code and will be moving onto website creation next.


Understanding your Child Groups Summer Term

Please see below flyer for Understanding your Child Groups in the Summer Term

UYC SEND Groups Summer Term 24

Summer Term Clubs Letter 2024

Summer 24 Club letter

Message from the PTFA

It’s been a great start to 2024 for our fundraising and we’d like to thank the parents, carers and staff for their ongoing support.
We’ve summarised this term’s funds raised and spent in the newsletter (see below) as well as what we can look forward to next term.
Have a happy and chocolatey Easter!
Woodfield & St George’s PTFA

Irreversible Reactions in Stiperstones

In Science this week, Stiperstones pupils blew up balloons without touching them, and made a form of plastic that was used in the past to make buttons, buckles and pens.

We were learning about irreversible chemical reactions, and about the new materials that can be formed by them. The carbon dioxide made during the reaction between vinegar and bicarbonate of soda can be captured and used to blow up a balloon. Vinegar can also be added to hot milk to make plastic from the protein, casein, found in the milk.

Our classroom did smell rather strange after all of this chemistry, though!

Haughmond Art

Here, you can see the children putting together their final piece. Over the term, they have been looking at developing self-portraits using a variety of techniques, media and resources.

Tech for Helping the Planet Assembly in Corndon

Today children were inspired when they watched the online assembly about technology that helps the planet. In the assembly children learnt about various jobs linked to this, which included Aeronautical Engineers which control drones. Children were also inspired and enthused by the role of an Environmental Engineer which solves problems such as recycling and pollution.


British Science Week in Ragleth

Along with a live lesson on the reproductive cycle of cows and an exploration of the Mars Rover, Ragleth Class have taken part in a technology based session from Tech She Can. The aim of the session was to learn about how transport has changed through history and how it will continue to change in the future. The pupils designed their own sustainable vehicle which we might see on the roads, in the sky or on the water in the future.


Tech for children in Lawley

Today the children watched a live video discussion about how technology can help us protect our planet and fight climate change, for science week.

They learnt about green ‘green jobs’ pupils could consider for the future.

It was interesting to see and hear how many children changed their minds about what they wanted to do as a future job after watching the session.

Clee class visit to The Ironworks

For our art unit on sculpture, Clee class went to The Ironworks to look at amazing metal sculptures on display there.

We looked at the types of materials used and the shapes and colours used.  We hope to use some of these ideas to inspire us with designing our own sculpture in our next art lesson.

Shropshire Primary Schools Half Marathon- Ercall Class

In Ercall class, we have been working hard to add to complete our laps for to add to our progress chart in class. We are enjoying taking part, working towards a goal while keeping active.

Shropshire Family Information Service Easter 2024

PSHE – Self-esteem artwork.

Pupils in Caradoc class have been learning about how the media can influence how people feel about themselves. Each member of the class was given their top personal qualities, decided by their peers, and used these to create some feel-good art work to celebrate themselves and what is so great about everyone.

Easter Lunch for Pupils

On Wednesday 20th March pupils enjoyed a lovely Easter lunch menu!

Check out the Easter Cookies and Chocolate Nests made by our lovely catering team

Making Easter boxes in Clee

This week in Clee, we have been looking at food packaging in design and technology. We explored different types of boxes, looked at how they were made, and had a go at using different nets to make boxes. We then designed and made our own made our own Easter boxes.

Toileting Workshop Flyer

Toileting workshop flyer [Autosaved]

Studying Sculpture at the Ironworks – Willstone

Willstone enjoyed their visit to the Ironworks centre (and a rare bit of sunshine!) to look more closely at how artists use recycled materials to create sculptures.

PE in Llanymynech

This week, we have been exploring different ways of using a ball, a hoop and a ribbon and experimented using these within our gymnastic sequences.


Upcoming Dates

Thursday 21st March- Year 3 Easter Concert- 5.3pm at St George’s Church

Friday 22nd March- PD Day- no pupils in school

Friday 22nd March- Clubs go live at 6pm on Arbor

Monday 8th April- First day back after Easter Holiday

Monday 8th April- Make up Choir Session from Spring term

Tuesday 9th April- Year 6 Black Country Living Museum Trip

Tuesday 9th April- KS2 Orienteering try outs

Thursday 11th April- Year 4/5/6 Swimming Gala- selected pupils

Thursday 11th April- Make up recorder session from Spring term

Afterschool clubs start w/c Monday 15th April

Monday 15th April- Year 4 Swimming starts for 10 weeks

Wednesday 17th April- Clee Assembly to parents

Friday 19th April- Year 5 Swimming starts for 9 weeks

Saturday 20th April- Shropshire Schools Half Marathon