Marvelous Maths in Wenlock

Partitioning and Place Value

This week in Maths, we have been looking at place value and partitioning numbers to 1,000. We know that numbers below a thousand can have a hundreds, tens and ones digit. To make different numbers we rolled a dice and made our own numbers, then we partitioned them. It was so much fun!

Maths in Clee

This week we have been looking at fractions and what makes a whole. We made a ‘playdough sausage’ to cut up into different fractions to see how the whole could be divided up. Take a look at some of our work below.

Sculptures in Wenlock

For our art topic, we have been exploring sculptures and abstract art. After a few lessons of exploring and creating smaller designs, we worked together in groups or pairs to construct our final one. We used a range of techniques that we have been learning such as: folding, twisting, slotting, rolling and creating concertinas.

We had lots of fun and are really proud of our work. Have a look and see what your interpretation is of our art as everyone sees the world differently and that is what makes us all amazing!


Clee-Visit from the Fire Services

Today, year 3 were lucky enough to have a visit from our local Fire Service. They came to discuss what their job involves and fire safety.

We also got to see the fire engine and some of the equipment that the fire service use. 


In the afternoon, we also had a visit from a local police officer and a PSCO. They also came to talk to us about personal safety and what to do if you feel unsafe – TAG (Tell A Grown-up). In school, we also always say “tell a trusted adult” if you feel something isn’t right.

Children in Need -Clee

We had a lovely morning with Children in Need. We drew Pudsey pictures on the daily mile track while we were running around it with our friends and donating our money at drop off points. We also had a go at drawing and colouring Pudsey. Take a look at some photographs from the day.

Year 3 Message

This is our new year group page. We’re looking forward to a new school year!

DT in Clee

As part of our DT, we got to look at and taste a range of salads. We have then been thinking about what we would like to put in our own salads to make a healthy meal.

Time and Salad Tasting in Willstone

What’s the Time Mr Wolf? 

Last week, we began our new Maths topic: time! We created our own clocks that we use in class to help us and then we went outside to draw our own. Some of us were able to add in roman numerals! We were able to identify o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We focused on this week, telling the time to the nearest minute.


Yummy Yummy Salad! 

In preparation for our own salad making, we were able to taste different salads to explore textures and taste. Everyone had a go and tried something new. Not everyone was a fan of the different types of lettuce, but carrot was a big winner! We are proud of one another for trying new food and have a good idea of what we want to put in our own salads ready for this week.

Design and Technology in Wenlock

This week, we started our new design and technology project. We are designing, making and evaluating a salad for a family member.

We started the project by tasting different salad ingredients, which Wenlock loved!

We then designed our own salad and thought about what we need and the problems we may face. We are really looking forward to making our salads.

Clee-helicopter visit

We had a special visit today. Have a look at the photos below to see what landed on our school field!

Clee were lucky enough to be able to ask questions and have a look around the helicopter. We even got to sit in it and see it take off.


Buddy reading in Wenlock

Wenlock enjoyed sitting on the field with Maple class from Year 2 and sharing their reading books. Here are some photographs of our partner reading.

Cooking in Clee

This term, we are learning about food, and this week we had a workshop showing us how to cook a meal. We learnt about food groups and lots of different cooking techniques. In class, we have also discussed about healthy eating and a balanced diet. We loved our workshop and we loved eating the results even more! Take a look at the photographs from Clee below.


Another fun week in Wenlock

This week we have had so much fun! On Wednesday we had our Roots to Food workshop where we all had a go at making our very own Jambalaya. All of the children enjoyed chopping, crushing, mixing, and of course, tasting! I have never seen food disappear so quickly from a plate! We then read a book called ‘Everybody eats rice’ which related well to our food workshop and taught us that families from all over the world can have lots in common, even when we may look or sound different.

In our science and maths lessons we have been working practically by labelling body parts and weighing objects.

Roots for Food in Willstone

Roots for Food

On Wednesday, we had a special visitor come to teach us how to make jambalaya! We were put into teams and had special chef aprons and hats! Together, we worked as a team to chop, cut, mix, marinate, crush, cook and stir the ingredients to make the delicious dish.

Here we are collecting the ingredients:

Then we mixed all the ingredients together. We noticed that the water in the heat showed the evaporation process and when we put the lid on we could see the condensation.

Finally, we were able to eat our creation- it was super scrumptious!

Wenlock compares their experiences of sculpture.

This week, we wrote an extended piece of writing where we compared our experience of sculpture in school and our trip to the Ironworks.

Within our writing we included a title, introduction, sub-headings, pictures and a conclusion. We also tried to use art vocabulary from our word banks.

Clee compares counties…

This week Clee class used atlases, compared map features, and watched informative videos to compare Llangollen in Powys, Wales to Church Stretton in Shropshire. 

Maths and Art in Willstone

Artists at Work

We have continued with our artwork and looking at how to paint seeds using fine materials. First, we used watercolours and a thin paintbrush, then we had a go using small twigs from outside and Indian ink! Some of us found the twigs easier to use whilst others preferred the paintbrush. We are really proud of our work and can’t wait to design our final artwork soon.

Marvellous Maths

This week we have been learning about perimeter. We explored this using different 2D shapes to find out for ourselves what perimeters was. Perimeter is where we measure around the outside of a shape and add up all of it’s sides. Have a look at what we found out!

Willstone at the Ironworks

This week, Willstone went on a trip to the Ironworks in Oswestry. We enjoyed walking around the extinction trail and learning about all the endangered and critically endangered animals. We stopped to sketch a few as well. Did you know that an elephant weighs the same amount as 3 family cars and a black rhino is actually grey?

After, we were lucky enough to be able to see the process of a ring being made by the local silversmith. He explained how a piece of metal can become a shiny piece of jewellery!

Finally, we were able to see some Beatrix Potter ornaments that link to our culture books at school as well as the great Iron Man from our Autumn topic. We had such great fun!

Wenlock at the Ironworks, Oswestry

Wenlock had an amazing time at the British Ironworks Centre at Oswestry today. First we walked around the ‘Extinction trail’ looking at the critically endangered animals as sculptures and did some spotting and sketching. We got to see a Silversmith demonstration and even saw the Iron Man from our class story book!

Clee class Ironworks Trip

We had a fantastic day at the Ironworks today.

We saw lots of amazing sculptures of animals and found out lots of facts. We also thought about the techniques we had used in our sculpture work and compared these with the ones created at the park. We were also lucky enough to see a silversmith at work melting and and shaping silver to make jewellery. Take a look at some of the lovely things we saw today.

Jubilee Party-Willstone

Jubilee Party!

On Friday 27th June, St George’s Junior School and Woodfield Infants joined together to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. We had an amazing day. We dressed up in blue, red and white and showcased our creations on a special Jubilee line. We even had a whole school conga line! There was music, dancing and a world of fun. What a great day!

The Jubilee Party-Clee

We had a lovely time looking at all the wonderful art work that pupils had made for the Jubilee Party. We also had a great time in the sunshine eating our afternoon tea and dancing. Take a look at some of the photos below.

Jubilee Week in Year 3

A Royal Wedding!

This week, we have been learning about the Queen’s Jubilee. In preparation for our big celebration on Friday, we looked at the key question ‘Who is the Queen married to?’ We recreated the Queen’s wedding after watching the black and white video footage of the actual day! We had so much fun and loved throwing rose petal confetti.

Science in Wenlock

This week we have been dissecting flowers in order to learn about the different parts of the flower and their roles in pollination and fertilisation. We watched a Lily dissection first and then worked in pairs to identify the parts of an Alstromeria flower. We used magnifying glasses to get a closer look at the pollen and then dissected and labelled our own Alstromeria.

Maths -Clee

In year 3 we have been learning about 3D shapes. We have explored different types of shapes and their features. We also looked at some 3D nets and had a go at constructing them. This reminded us of the work we did on pyramids, in our Ancient Egyptian topic, when we made pyramids and pyramid nets. It also reminded us of our design and technology work when we made Easter boxes using nets.


In Year 3, our art is closely linked with our science topic-plants. We have been learning about the famous architect and painter; Charles Rennie Mackintosh. To explore his style of work, we have looked at leaf printing, tracing and sketching flowers. It has been really fun and we are enjoying learning new skills about fine pencil control.


3D shapes in Willstone

In Maths, we have been exploring 3D shapes. We have been learning the different names and properties of some 3D shapes. We also had a lot of fun making them using spaghetti and marshmallows! Have a look at what we made. Can you guess what shapes they are?

Our week in Wenlock

We’ve been really enjoying our Plants and Animals topic these last few weeks. We have planted beans and are monitoring them daily in their differing locations around the classrooms. This week we also investigated how temperature could affect water transportation in celery. We observed and drew a cross section of the celery to see the tubes where the water is transported. Following this, we put the celery in some food colouring and placed them in 3 different places: the warm windowsill, classroom and fridge. Here are some pictures of our investigating:

We also really enjoyed Pyjamarama day last week and especially sharing our favourite stories in circle time and watercolour painting in the style of Beatrix Potter, so wanted to share our photographs of this day too…