Art in Ercall class

We finished our wonderful fabric designs this week in Ercall class. First, we removed the glue from our fabric by washing it. Then, we recorded, in our sketchbooks, ideas for products our fabric could be used for. These included soft furnishings like cushions or curtains, fashion products like clothes or handbags or a piece of art.

Art in Ercall

In art, we created batik fabric and  large-scale repeated patterns of our tiles. We put glue around our patterns and then painted these, using colours to fit the rainforest theme. We are so pleased with how our patterns came out!

Computing in Ercall Class

In Ercall class, we have been leaning how to use publishing. We will thought about how to make careful choices regarding font size, colour, and type in an invitation. We explored how to add images, text boxes and shapes and understand that once content has been added, it can be rearranged on the page.

Pyjamarama Day in Ercall

I was wonderful to see the children all dress for pyjamarama day today. Thank you for your support and to the parents who came and joined us to read this morning.

Year 4 girls football

Year 4 girls have enjoyed starting football sessions this week, they focused on dribbling skills and developing their passing. They are looking forward to their session next week. Well done Year 4 girls!

Hot write in Ercall

This week, we have been planning, writing and editing our hot writes in English. We have invented our example dilemma story, to included aspects of our topic learning (rainforests) and our guided reading book (journey to the river sea). I have been so impressed with the children’s efforts and their handwriting.



R.E in Ercall class

This week, as part of our learning about Judaism, we learnt about bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah’s. The children discussed the differences and were able to compare this to other religious celebrations.

Maths in Ercall Class

In Maths, we have been working with hundredths. This included placing hundredths on a place value chart. We enjoyed using equipment to support us with this and showed great understanding of hundredths. Well done Ercall.


Design and technology- Buzz the wire game

In Ercall class we have been exploring, evaluating, designing and making buzz the wire games. We applied our knowledge of circuits in Science, to make a working buzz the wire game. We tested out our products, which was great fun!

PSHE – Self-esteem artwork.

Pupils in Caradoc class have been learning about how the media can influence how people feel about themselves. Each member of the class was given their top personal qualities, decided by their peers, and used these to create some feel-good art work to celebrate themselves and what is so great about everyone.

Shropshire Primary Schools Half Marathon- Ercall Class

In Ercall class, we have been working hard to add to complete our laps for to add to our progress chart in class. We are enjoying taking part, working towards a goal while keeping active.

STEM ambassador in Ercall

This week we had a STEM ambassador come into class to speak to us about Electricity. This was a wonderful start to our science topic. The children asked fantastic questions about Electricity and how this links to their everyday lives. We are excited to continue this learning in our Science lessons.


LBQ maths lesson in Ercall Class

In Ercall class we enjoyed using the LBQ tablets in our Maths lesson this week. This generated lots of wonderful discussion about our unit on perimeter. Well done Ercall class on your wonderful problem solving.

Safer internet day- Ercall

This years theme for safer internet day was ‘inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. We discussed issues around being online and ways in which we can help and make a difference in the online world. The children had some brilliant ideas about how they could have an impact!

Complex Cuisenaire!

Caradoc pupils have been building their knowledge and understanding of how we use algebra in maths – and as part of daily life.

We enjoyed using Cuisenaire rods to build part-whole models and think about the different algebraic expressions we could use to describe these.

Safer Internet Day 2024

This year’s theme for Safer Internet Day is ‘together for a better internet’.

In class, we watched videos and had discussions about the positives from and challenges faced when using the internet and how we can work together towards making the internet a happy, safer and better place for us all.

Caradoc created a set of class values to support themselves and each other when using the internet. 

Exploring modal verbs

Pupils in Caradoc class have been learning about modal verbs this week.

We have been looking at the life and work of Florence Nightingale and so we explored the use and effect on modal verbs by looking through some VERY strict historical rules given to nursing staff.

Pupils then practised using modal verbs in their own writing; some applied these within a diary entry written in role as Florence Nightingale while others created rules for Nightingale’s hospital wing and for workhouses too.

Science in Ercall

In Ercall, we have planned an investigation to find out which drink will have the most impact on our teeth. We put eggs in a range of drinks and will observe and record the impact of this over time. We made sure we set up a fair test, by adding the same amount of liquid and using the same sized eggs and cups. We are looking forward to seeing if our predictions are correct!

Art in Ercall

This week in art, we created shade and tint. First, we used the primary colours, red, blue and yellow, then we added either black or white to gradually make the colour darker or lighter. We found that this also created some secondary colours.

Exploring and Representing Ratio in Caradoc Class.

Caradoc pupils have enjoyed exploring the concept of ratio and the language that is used to describe it. The class have been experimenting with different models and images used to represent ratio as well as making links with other mathematical concepts.


PSHE in Ercall

Our unit in PSHE is keeping safe, this week we have been focusing on keeping safe online. As a class, we discuss the importance of age limits on games and what this meant. We looked at different games and sorted them into the correct ages- there were some great discussions!

Dodge Ball in Ercall

This week, Ercall class enjoyed dodge ball with the sports coaches. We looked at throwing and catching as well as working as a team.

RE and PSHE story link in Caradoc.

Over the last few weeks in RE lessons, pupils in Caradoc have been learning about the significance of Mary being chosen to be the mother of Jesus in the Christian Christmas Story. In PSHE, the pupils have been learning about the varying reasons why people may need to flee their homes and the challenges that this brings; they have been discussing refugees and homeless people in both our wider world and local community.

Caradoc pupils enjoyed sharing the story ‘Refuge’ by Anne both which brings together their learning in RE and PSHE: it is a retelling of the Christian Christmas story, from the perspective of the donkey, focusing on Mary, Joseph and Jesus as refugees on the run from Herod, reliant on the kindness of strangers. This book was written to raise money for children fleeing from war today.

P.E in Ercall Class

This week we continued our dance sessions. The children were tasked to create a sequence of movements to fit the mission impossible theme tune. They made super spies and created a variety of movements, involving different speeds and levels. Brilliant work Ercall Class!


Wrekin Class

As the end of term fast approaches, Wrekin Class have been extremely busy in all areas of the curriculum. Everyone has shown tremendous resilience, particularly during our fractions lessons recently. The children also worked hard to learn all their songs, lines and side-splitting jokes for the Christmas Carol Concert.

Across this half-term, the children have been learning all about e-safety, with a focus on anti-bullying. We have been learning how to be an ‘Upstander’ or a ‘Bystander’ and how to help anyone they think may be a victim of bullying. They have also been learning who they can report bullying to, whether they are experiencing it themselves, or see it happening to others.



Marvellous Maths- Ercall

This week have have been focusing on our 3,6,7 and 9 times tables. We used multi link to help us make arrays to find the answers to some of our times tables. Well done Ercall for your use of equipment to support you learning.

Super Science in Wrekin

This week, Wrekin class conducted a series of experiments, supporting our learning all about light and refraction. Having learned how light travels and reflects, we explored how light travels through liquids and transparent objects. The children were able to explain how light bends when traveling through transparent objects, such as glass and various liquids, and how this can distort what we see.

Geography in Ercall Class

This week Ercall have demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding in Geography. We research the physical features of Scotland and each group became an expert in a physical feature, before presenting this to the class. Well done Ercall Class!

Jumping with joy in Caradoc!

Pupils in Caradoc class are really enjoying this term’s gymnastics lessons. Over the past few weeks, they have been working on flight onto and off apparatus: they have been working on their control when using a variety of jumps on and off different levels of apparatus. They have observed each other carefully and given really helpful feedback.

Approaching the apparatus with speed.
Using a springboard and horse to jump to feet.
Dismounting with a straddle jump!


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