Stiperstones Bridges Walk

On Friday, Year 5 were very happy to see that the rain had stopped and we were able to go on our walk to see all the bridges along the River Severn.   

We were looking particularly at how each bridge was constructed, and at what type it is (beam, arch or suspension). As Stiperstones walked along the paths around the Quarry, towards English Bridge, we stopped to look in detail at each bridge and then sketch them as a basis for our own designs in DT. The sun even came out – briefly!

Art in Ercall class

We finished our wonderful fabric designs this week in Ercall class. First, we removed the glue from our fabric by washing it. Then, we recorded, in our sketchbooks, ideas for products our fabric could be used for. These included soft furnishings like cushions or curtains, fashion products like clothes or handbags or a piece of art.

Mini Masterpieces on display!

Children from St George’s, along with other local schools, submitted postcard-sized paintings and drawings for the ‘Mini Masterpieces’ competition on the theme of ‘My Shropshire’.

The exhibition is now open in the Gateway Gallery, and is looking great!

Willstone’s Visit to Attingham Park

Willstone thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Attingham Park this week. We took part in a Q and A session with a staff member to find out what it is like to be a gardener there, identified flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables in the walled garden, and sketched our favourite plants and flowers. When we returned to school, we used our sketches to create pastel and watercolour pictures.

Stiperstones visit the Flaxmill

To find out more about the history of the local area, Stiperstones had a very busy and informative day at Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings this week. We learned about the importance of this building as the first iron-framed building in the world, and thus the ancestor of modern skyscrapers. Tours of the outside of the building and then the exhibition helped us to appreciate the different roles that it has played over the years – from flax mill, to maltings, to accommodation and training camp for soldiers and finally its restoration as a visitor attraction.

As well as this, the class enjoyed several practical workshops. They handled historical artefacts; used drama to re-enact scenes from the point of view of children employed in the Flaxmill’s early years; and competed to construct the tallest and strongest towers out of blocks.


Perimeter and 3D Shape in Willstone

This week in maths, Willstone have been exploring perimeter and 3D shape.

Art in Ercall

In art, we created batik fabric and  large-scale repeated patterns of our tiles. We put glue around our patterns and then painted these, using colours to fit the rainforest theme. We are so pleased with how our patterns came out!

Roots to Food – Willstone

Willstone thoroughly enjoyed their taste of being chefs – they worked in teams to prepare a delicious Greek-themed dish! Everyone tried the dish and there were empty plates at the end!

Stiperstones Scientists!

Stiperstones have had an exciting time in Science over the last two weeks.

Last week, visitors from Shrewsbury School and Shropshire Wildlife Trust came to St George’s to deliver a Darwin workshop. We first heard all about Charles Darwin’s childhood and life in Shrewsbury, including the doodles that he made in his school books when he was bored! Next, SWT delivered 3 different practical workshop sessions, in which we learned about evolution, natural selection and also completing a bug hunt in the school field.

This week, in our topic of ‘Animals including humans’, we explored whether there was a link between the ages of children of Year 5 age and their heights. By lining up in age and height order, and then measuring our heights for a more detailed comparison, we concluded that age was not the main factor determining children’s height at this age.

Computing in Ercall Class

In Ercall class, we have been leaning how to use publishing. We will thought about how to make careful choices regarding font size, colour, and type in an invitation. We explored how to add images, text boxes and shapes and understand that once content has been added, it can be rearranged on the page.

Pyjamarama Day in Ercall

I was wonderful to see the children all dress for pyjamarama day today. Thank you for your support and to the parents who came and joined us to read this morning.

Seed Dispersal – Willstone

This week Willstone have looked at the different methods plants and trees use to disperse their seeds. We made paper versions of sycamore keys to demonstrate how they fall to the ground – we even tested them in the wind outside!

Year 4 girls football

Year 4 girls have enjoyed starting football sessions this week, they focused on dribbling skills and developing their passing. They are looking forward to their session next week. Well done Year 4 girls!

Hot write in Ercall

This week, we have been planning, writing and editing our hot writes in English. We have invented our example dilemma story, to included aspects of our topic learning (rainforests) and our guided reading book (journey to the river sea). I have been so impressed with the children’s efforts and their handwriting.



R.E in Ercall class

This week, as part of our learning about Judaism, we learnt about bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah’s. The children discussed the differences and were able to compare this to other religious celebrations.

Mental Health Week – Willstone

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and Willstone have been learning about ways they can look after their mental wellbeing. They designed posters with advice for improving mental health, or of the things that they most like to do to be happy.


Treasure Maps! in Stiperstones

This week, a small group of children have been creating treasure hunts for a few lucky adults around school.

They carefully ‘aged’ the paper for their maps, researched and typed the steps in the directions with great care, and even used watercolour paints to create unique wrapping paper for the final (edible) treasure.

Subtracting Fractions – Willstone

Willstone played mini games of ten-pin bowling to practice subtracting fractions!

Miniature Art installations in Stiperstones

Year 5 have been working really hard across the curriculum this term. In Science, we have been studying the lifecycles of different classes of animals, from mammals to insects, while in Geography we have been learning about Migration.

Our Art lessons have been focused on Installation Art. Some installation artworks from well-known artists can fill whole rooms or involve a whole building, so we have been creating miniature versions. First, we used explosion effects to create an installation inside a box, then added Lego figures to imagine what the experience of being inside this ‘room’ would be. Next, we created individual and small group desktop art installations using only familiar classroom objects, solving problems of how to work as a group and fix items together as we went. We have certainly been pushing the boundaries of what we might have though of as ‘Art’ during this process!

STEM Club explore Colours

STEM Club have been enjoying ourselves on Wednesday afternoons! In the first session, we made paper helicopters, adapting a simple design to see whose helicopter could stay in the air the longest. More recently, we have explored how to program micro:bits, and are looking forward to using them to create tools such as thermometers and step counters that we can then take out and about in further experiments.

Our most colourful session to date used simple paper chromatography to explore the various inks and dyes that manufacturers have used to make different colours of felt tips and other pens.. To our surprise, pink and purple pens seemed to use a single dye, whereas brown pens contain a very bright blue (mixed with other colours). We also really enjoyed seeing the balance between different blue, green and yellow dyes used to create pens in different shades of green.


Rounders – Willstone

Willstone have been practicing their throwing and catching skills this week, as part of their rounders unit. Every time a group completed a circle of passes, everyone took a step back. We tried to see how big our circles could get while still being accurate!



Maths in Ercall Class

In Maths, we have been working with hundredths. This included placing hundredths on a place value chart. We enjoyed using equipment to support us with this and showed great understanding of hundredths. Well done Ercall.


Design and technology- Buzz the wire game

In Ercall class we have been exploring, evaluating, designing and making buzz the wire games. We applied our knowledge of circuits in Science, to make a working buzz the wire game. We tested out our products, which was great fun!

Biodegradable Plastic in Stiperstones

Before the Easter holiday, Stiperstones made their own casein plastic from milk and vinegar. We wanted to test how easily it decomposed, as one of the issues causing the current crisis of plastic pollution is how long plastic lasts and how difficult it is to dispose of.

To find out, the class carried out a fair test experiment in Science, comparing how a standard plastic counter and a sample of casein plastic behaved when placed in fresh water, salt water or garden soil for two weeks. What we discovered was that the plastic counter remained completely unchanged, which was what we expected as plastic can last for hundreds of years. On the other hand, casein plastic in fresh water and particularly in soil had become soft and started to rot. Interestingly, it decomposed much less well in salt water, suggesting that even if we do use biodegradable plastics, we must be careful not to allow them to reach the sea as the material could last for longer in the salty ocean.

Willstone – Practising Earthquake Drills in Topic

This week, Willstone have been learning about the effects earthquakes can have on people. We learned how children all over the world practice earthquake drills in school, then had a go for ourselves.


Studying Sculpture at the Ironworks – Willstone

Willstone enjoyed their visit to the Ironworks centre (and a rare bit of sunshine!) to look more closely at how artists use recycled materials to create sculptures.

PSHE – Self-esteem artwork.

Pupils in Caradoc class have been learning about how the media can influence how people feel about themselves. Each member of the class was given their top personal qualities, decided by their peers, and used these to create some feel-good art work to celebrate themselves and what is so great about everyone.

Irreversible Reactions in Stiperstones

In Science this week, Stiperstones pupils blew up balloons without touching them, and made a form of plastic that was used in the past to make buttons, buckles and pens.

We were learning about irreversible chemical reactions, and about the new materials that can be formed by them. The carbon dioxide made during the reaction between vinegar and bicarbonate of soda can be captured and used to blow up a balloon. Vinegar can also be added to hot milk to make plastic from the protein, casein, found in the milk.

Our classroom did smell rather strange after all of this chemistry, though!

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