Upcoming Dates

Just a reminder that all dates of trips/events happening can be found on the Calendar on the school website.

Wednesday 25th- Friday 27th September- Year 6 PGL Residential Trip

Thursday 26th September- Languages Day (special menu)

Monday 30th September- Lawley Berriew Rivers Trip

Thursday 3rd October- Ercall Berriew Rivers Trip

Monday 7th September- Corndon Berriew Rivers Trip

Monday 14th October- Wenlock Craven Arms Trip

Thursday 17th October- Clee Craven Arms Trip

Thursday 17th October- Year 5/6 Tag Rugby competition (selected pupils)

Friday 18th October- Willstone Craven Arms Trip



Art in Llanymynech

This week, we have started our unit on Art. We applied our knowledge and used techniques to draw in detail using scale and proportion. We used charcoal, pencil and pastels to sketch fruit and vegetables.





ClassDojo Information

Dear parents,
For those that are new to St. George’s, you may not yet be aware of our positive behaviour system which includes a free app called ClassDojo. When children are rewarded merits in class, assemblies or around the school for the good work and positive behaviours that they are showing, your child’s class teacher will add this merit onto ClassDojo.
The children enjoy using the app as it gives them a “dojo monster” that they can change when they log in at home. It’s also a great way for you to engage with your child’s rewards in school as you can log in and see how many merits they have been awarded and why they have received them.
 If your child has not got a login for Classdojo yet, please approach your class teacher. ClassDojo may try and get you to pay for the app – you do not need to do this as you can access your child’s merits for free.
New for this year that all parents need to know:
Once the children have received a certain number of merits, they can earn additional rewards such as bringing in a small teddy for their desk or choosing a partner to sit with. I have attached the reward poster so that you can see which rewards your child has earnt or are close to earning. At 110 points, your child’s class will have chosen their own reward, so you may have to ask your child about this.
I hope this has been helpful and informative.
Many thanks,
Mrs. A Jones

Geography in Ercall

This week we have started looking at the different features of a river. We began by looking at the source of a river, all the way to the mouth. The children learned lots of key vocabulary and were having great class conversations. These geography lessons are in preparation for the rivers school trip at the end of the month. We spoke about what we might see on the rivers trip and where we will be going. We look forward to being able to put our new knowledge into practise.

Geography in Caradoc

This week we have been continuing our unit, looking at Mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes. The children have had great fun discovering tectonic plates and the layers of the earth. We also had the opportunity due to our lovely weather to take our learning outside to identify which countries and continents are above which tectonic plate.


Gymnastics in Haughmond!

This week in Haughmond we focused on symmetrical shapes in PE. We created a symmetrical sequence of 8 different shapes and shared them with the rest of the class.

Upcoming Dates

Just a reminder that all dates of trips/events happening can be found on the Calendar on the school website.

Monday 23rd September- U11 Girls EFSA Tournament

Wednesday 25th- Friday 27th September- Year 6 PGL Residential Trip

Thursday 26th September- Languages Day (special menu)

Monday 30th September- Lawley Berriew Rivers Trip

Thursday 3rd October- Ercall Berriew Rivers Trip

Monday 7th September- Corndon Berriew Rivers Trip

Monday 14th October- Wenlock Craven Arms Trip

Thursday 17th October- Clee Craven Arms Trip

Thursday 17th October- Year 5/6 Tag Rugby competition (selected pupils)

Friday 18th October- Willstone Craven Arms Trip



Message from Mrs Lee

Dear Parents and Carers,
A wonderful week at school settling back in and showing our school values at all times. We have been very impressed with our Year 3 children and how they have transitioned to St. George’s. All year groups have shown fantastic attitudes towards learning and behaviour.
Thank you to our parents who attended the meeting this week to find out about the Shropshire Smartphone Free movement. This was a productive meeting with lots of open conversations about concerns and solutions. Please see the information letter if you would like to find out more.
We are pleased to start hosting events in our Longmynd community room. This is an opportunity to help support families across both Woodfield Infant School and St. George’s Junior School. If you have any suggestions or areas of need to propose, please make contact with our school office.
Well, done to Ettie and Liberty for your winning entry to ‘Mini Masterpieces’. We are very proud of you both – well done and thank you for representing St. George’s though your artistic talents.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards,
Mrs K Lee

Ragleth Class art

This week Ragleth have been using a variety of techniques to draw. The class explored the use of charcoal and pastels to add detail to their sketches. This forms part of our drawing unit of work, where we will be creating portraits in a surreal environment.

Upcoming Dates

Just a reminder that all dates of trips/events happening can be found on the Calendar on the school website.

W/C 16th September- Afterschool clubs start

Monday 16th September- PGL Meeting for Year 6 parents in Ragleth Class 3.30pm

Monday 16th September- Smartphone Free Childhood meeting in the hall 5.30-6.30pm

Monday 23rd September- U11 Girls EFSA Tournament

Wednesday 25th- Friday 27th September- Year 6 PGL Residential Trip

Thursday 24th and Friday 25th October- PD Days


Message from Mrs Lee

Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope everyone is settled back into routines following the summer break.
We have been very impressed with how the pupils have returned and particularly would like to mention our new Year 3 cohort. They are adapting well and learning and following expectations. This is a great start to build upon.
It has been lovely to welcome parents and carers back too, and we hope our new parents have felt welcome to our school.
Special mentions
Lucas Clarke
Tom Smithson
Seth Richardson
For being exceptional role models. We have been lucky to have new play sheds and equipment over the summer. Our first day discussed expectations in how to care for the equipment. These three pupils took it upon themselves to monitor this, help pupils and ensure the equipment was all sorted and packed away.
Mylo White
Cody Millar
Marcus Richardson
For helping to keep our school environment tidy by litter picking.
Smartphone Free Shropshire
A reminder there is a meeting being held Monday 16th at St. George’s Junior School. This is an opportunity for parents to find out more about ‘feature phones’ and the Smartphone free movement.
A huge congratulations to Tess Burgess, a parent of our school who interviewed for both BBC radio and Midlands today news. It was great to see both our parents and pupils feature in this, coming together as a community to find solutions.
A link below enables parents to sign a pact to delay use of smartphones:
A polite reminder that school uniform and PE kit should be worn on appropriate days. The expectation is that the correct uniform is worn for PE. No football shirts or non-uniform coloured items are to be worn (exceptions must be discussed with class teacher).
Jewellery in the form of bracelets and necklaces are not permitted to be worn in school, unless there is a specific reason. This must be discussed with school. Small stud earrings only, which must be taken out or covered up for PE sessions.
Please work with school in setting and adhering to these expectations. If you would like support or help with school uniform, then please make contact with our school office and they will be happy to help.
We are really fortunate at St. George’s in that we can offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs. This is based upon pupil requests and expressions of interest. These clubs can only run if we have sufficient numbers. Currently, we have low uptake for tennis club and early morning circuits. If we do not reach numbers by the end of this week, the clubs will have to be cancelled, which we would like to avoid because we want to offer enrichment experiences. Please make contact with office if you would like to sign up for these clubs.
A big thank you to our PTFA who have sent out their newsletter – lots of work and effort as always to bring our school community together.
I really hope the transition back to school has been positive. As always, should you have any questions or require any support, please make contact with school.
Take care,
Mrs K Lee

PTFA- Winter Coat Share

Our Winter Coat/Shoe Share Rail will be available next to the walkway between the schools (in front of the Nursery) *from 8.30* (during drop off) on Thursdays from this week.

Bring your children’s good condition, outgrown coats and shoes and see if you can swap for something bigger. If you don’t have anything to bring don’t worry – please feel free to just come along and browse – the aim is to share and re-wear!♻️🌏


English in Ercall

In Ercall this week, we have been learning about different poems. We have had a go at writing a Haiku and a Cinquain.

Ercall really enjoyed these lessons and came up with some amazing ideas!

Message from Mrs Lee

Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope everyone is settled back into routines following the summer break.
We have been very impressed with how the pupils have returned and particularly would like to mention our new Year 3 cohort. They are adapting well and learning and following expectations. This is a great start to build upon.
It has been lovely to welcome parents and carers back too and we hope our new parents have felt welcome to our school.
Special mentions
Lucas Clarke
Tom Smithson
Seth Richardson
For being exceptional role models. We have been lucky to have new play sheds and equipment over the summer. Our first day discussed expectations in how to care for the equipment. These three pupils took it upon themselves to monitor this, help pupils and ensure the equipment was all sorted and packed away.
A polite reminder that school uniform and PE kit should be worn on appropriate days. The expectation is that the correct uniform is worn for PE. No football shirts or non-uniform colours items are to be worn (exceptions must be discussed with class teacher).
Jewellery in the form of bracelets and necklaces are not permitted to be worn in school, unless there is a specific reason. This must be discussed with school. Small stud earrings only, which must be taken out or covered up for PE sessions.
Please work with school in setting and adhering to these expectations. If you would like support or help with school uniform, then please make contact with our school office and they will be happy to help.
We are really fortunate at St. George’s in that we can offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs. This is based upon pupil requests and expressions of interest. These clubs can only run if we have sufficient numbers. Currently, we have low uptake for tennis club and early morning circuits. If we do not reach numbers by the end of this week, the clubs will have to be cancelled, which we would like to avoid because we want to offer enrichment experiences. Please make contact with office if you would like to sign up for these clubs.
A big thank you to our PTFA who have sent out their newsletter – lots of work and effort as always to bring our school community together.
I really hope the transition back to school has been positive. As always, should you have any questions or require any support, please make contact with school.
Take care,
Mrs Lee

Safer Schools

Please see below from Shropshire Council Crime Prevention Officer:

In 2007, both St George’s Junior School and Woodfield Infant School were accredited ‘Safer Schools’.  This is a risk management approach to school security, created by West Mercia Police and supported by Shropshire Council. During the recent summer term, I attended a joint annual Safer School meeting of the schools, involving staff and governors. We reviewed security/safety, analysed parent/carer and pupil surveys, considered any school issues and planned for the future. It was reassuring to hear that there had been no recorded issues on the school site in past year – excellent news.

It was a productive meeting and a good reflection of the hard work of both schools in maintaining the Safer School accreditation. In recognition of the responsible approach to security, safety and safeguarding, both schools were presented with an updated Safer School certificate – Congratulations!