Hinge hunt in Ercall

As part of our Design and Technology lessons, we have begun looking at mechanisms. Our first mechanism, is a hinge. As part of our lesson we went for a hinge hunt around school. We searched and found different types of hinges. We then made our own butt hinges using carboard and card. The children did an amazing job!

Corndon have been learning about plants

Corndon Class have been learning about plants: labelling the parts of a plant and their functions; finding out what they need to grow and thrive; and researching different weird and wonderful flora.

We built a pond!

In Wildlife Club, we have been researching frogs and how to build ponds. We decided to design a mini-pond for the wildlife area as we had been offered some frogspawn. We collected the materials needed, dug the hole and filled the pond with stones and logs. We are hoping for some rain to fill the pond so that the frogspawn can begin to change into tadpoles. We will develop the area with plants to make a suitable habitat for the young frogs as they grow and become independent.

Problem solving in Wildlife Club

In Wildlife Club this week, we noticed that the persistent rainfall had caused the trays containing our seed plant pots had flooded. We removed the plant pots and put them in the large school planters to prevent further over-watering then predicted which tray had the largest volume of water. The children suggested a range of methods to calculate, including gauging by looking, measuring with rulers and using finger spans. When asked how they would measure more accurately, they decided to pour the rainwater into a measuring jug to check the amounts.

Writing success in Year 4!

We are published authors!
After entering short stories into the Young Writers Spooky Saga competition, Freya, Isabella, Georgie, Hannah, Jack and Joe have all been selected to have their creative, imaginative and gruesome writing published in a book.

Orange bird feeders

In Wildlife Club, one of the ideas the children researched was making bird feeders from oranges. We thought carefully about how to make them and devised methods of hanging them on the trees. Then we filled them with a range of seeds, nuts, suet and mealworms to provide food during the frosty weather.