Ragleth Class P.E.

Our first unit of work in P.E. this year is Football. We have been practicing our dribbling skills, developing tactics and techniques to attack and defend. The focus of our lesson was on keeping close control of the ball whilst working on using different parts of the foot to move the ball quickly.


Ragleth Class art

This week Ragleth have been using a variety of techniques to draw. The class explored the use of charcoal and pastels to add detail to their sketches. This forms part of our drawing unit of work, where we will be creating portraits in a surreal environment.

Year 6 Careers Fair

This week has been an extremely exciting one for Year 6. On Thursday, we were visited by 4 groups who spoke with our Year 6 classes about careers.

Laura, Dan and Jane from Aico, in Oswestry, delivered a workshop on product design, production and distribution. This helped us learn all about the different careers that exist within one company. In the afternoon, Mr Tunbridge talked to us about managing athletes at the Olympics and Paralympics. Mr Richardson talked to use about graphic design and product placement from his company, Source. Finally, Commander Walker from the Royal Navy visited to talk about the different roles that make up the naval force, from fighter jet pilot to auxiliary services. A huge thank you to all who came to talk to us and inspire our next generation.


Year 6 Shakespeare Rocks

What an amazing start to our Year 6 performances of Shakespeare Rocks. All of Year 6 did themselves proud and performed superbly. We are really looking forward to our performances next week.


Year 6 life-saving workshop

Year 6 have taken part in a life-saving workshop today where they have learnt about how they can keep themselves safe and what to do in an emergency. They learnt all about choking, burns, head injuries and more. Year 6 also had the chance to practise their CPR technique.

A trip back in time for Ragleth Class

This week Ragleth have been exploring how the Ancient Maya kept track of time. They learnt about the three different calendars that the Maya used and how they showed the Maya what to do throughout the year. We made or own calendars and identified what our birthday would look like on the calendar.


Ragleth Class fairy tale writing

As part of our writing unit on traditional tales, Ragleth Class planned and wrote an alternative ending to Little Red Riding Hood. They drew inspiration from other stories as well as Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes to change the ending to some (not so) happy endings.

Ragleth Class Computing – CAD

Over the last 2 weeks, Ragleth Class have been learning about Computer Aided Design (CAD). Through a series of lessons the pupils have learnt how to use Tinkercad as well as how this valuable skill can be used in the real world. The culmination of the unit of work was to design a dream house.


Ragleth Class Geocahing

This week Ragleth Class visited the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre. Pupils took part in Geocaching, map skills and orienteering workshops within the site’s 30 acre meadow. The class explored the different geology and habitats of the local area.

Ragleth Class self-expression sculpture

As part of their sculpture unit, Ragleth Class have been exploring self-expression. We explored the work of some well-known artists and how they have created traditional sculptures with a personal twist. The class then used cardboard to create their own sculptures, expressing what makes each person unique.

Ragleth Class Geography

As part of our geography topic on Wales, Ragleth class explored the physical features of Wales by making their one relief map using playdough. The pupils learnt that there are 3 main mountain ranges situated roughly down the middle of Wales with flatter plains along the coast and land border with England.


Crumble programming

As part of our Computing unit this term we have been using Crumble to program, creating a flashing and spinning toy.

We have had great fun learning how to use drag and drop code and will be moving onto website creation next.


British Science Week in Ragleth

Along with a live lesson on the reproductive cycle of cows and an exploration of the Mars Rover, Ragleth Class have taken part in a technology based session from Tech She Can. The aim of the session was to learn about how transport has changed through history and how it will continue to change in the future. The pupils designed their own sustainable vehicle which we might see on the roads, in the sky or on the water in the future.


Ragleth Class Assembly

On Wednesday, Ragleth Class presented their class assembly for the Spring term. It was a brilliant opportunity for the pupils to demonstrate all of their wonderful learning. This included a gymnastic performance, re-enactments of our class text (Street Child), and some presentations on Wales, Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. Well done Ragleth, you were amazing!


Darwin Day in Ragleth Class

As part of our science work on evolution and inheritance, Ragleth Class conducted a pattern seeking investigation linked to Darwin’s finches. This investigation used three different “beaks” to pick up different seeds and grains. The pupils were looking to see which finches would have thrived and reproduced based on the available food sources available on the Galapagos Islands.


Conscience Alley drama – Ragleth

As part of our English work, Ragleth Class have been using their class text (Street Child) to develop a persuasive argument for the main character, Jim. The argument is whether Jim should try to escape the workhouse or not. We used role play and a conscience alley to deliver the persuasive arguments before each character decided if they would attempt an escape.

Year 5 Boys Football

On Monday 5th February, the Year 5 Boys football team represented the school in the U10 Boys County competition. The boys did the school proud, playing in a tough but respectful way, showing great sportsmanship and support. The team won 1 game, drew 2 and lost 2, finishing third in their group.

Well done Henry, Max, Toby, Percy, Dougie, Thomas, Joey, George and Harry.


Ragleth Class Computing – Programming

In Ragleth Class today we used our Crumble kits to further our knowledge and skills of programming. We used block coding to run codes which changed the colour of an LED light as well as the length of time it flashed for. We then experimented with the colour spectrum by changing the RGB values (Red, Green, Blue).

Ragleth Class Science – variation and adaptation

As part of our Science unit “Evolution and Inheritance”, Ragleth Class have been learning about the ways in which animals adapt to their environment through inheritance of DNA from parents. The offspring that have inherited favourable traits from their parents are more likely to survive when the environment changes. The examples we used to understand this concept were penguins.

Ragleth PSHE – managing risk

Our Spring topic for PSHE is all about managing risk. During our lesson this week, Ragleth Class learned all about the risks and effects of drugs and alcohol. They understood how drugs and medicines can be used to help people and support them when they are not well, but can also be harmful to health when misused.

Year 3/4 Cricket festival

On Thursday, pupils form Year 3 and 4 travelled to Shrewsbury Sport Village to take part in a continuous cricket festival. All of the pupils represented St George’s with wonderful attitudes and enthusiasm. They took part in a series of practice drills before playing games to put their skills to the test. Well done to all involved!

Bright sparks in Ragleth Class

This week Ragleth Class have been learning about how different components function in a circuit. They built several circuits and used different switches to identify which switch would be the easiest or hardest to use when trying to beak a circuit. They used slide switches, paddle switches and push button switches to test our their predictions. Their results showed that a push button switch broke the circuit the easiest and suggested this should be used in devices such as torches, car ignitions and emergency alarms.


Non-chronological reports in Ragleth Class

As part of their English this week, Ragleth Class have begun planning their own non-chronological reports. The pupils used a mixture of real and mythical creatures to create their own animal. They researched and planned their reports using the features identified in previous lessons and will now create their own text next week.


Ragleth Class Gymnastics

This week in Ragleth Class we have been using symmetry, unison and canon to perform their gymnastic routines using flight, balance and movement. The whole class worked amazingly in communicating and developing their routines to ensure that everyone could succeed.


Ragleth Class friction investigation

This afternoon, Ragleth Class conducted a friction investigation as part of their Science work. They used a newton meter to measure the amount of force needed to move a shoe across four different surfaces. Their results “shoed” that rougher surfaces, such as carpet and grass produced more friction than smoother surfaces like a table.


Ragleth Class Geography case study

Today, Ragleth Class have been identifying and labelling the features of the River Severn. We studied the course of the river and plotted key landmarks and locations onto the map. We found that in the upper course the land is of a steep gradient and in the lower course, the land is much flatter. The river transforms from a small stream (in the Plynlimon Hills) into a 13km wide channel in the Bristol Channel.

Tomorrow we are going to use OS maps to study the gradient of the land in more detail.

Ragleth Class river visit

On Wednesday, Ragleth Class went on a visit to Berriew and Glansevern Hall. We went to carry out an investigation into the flow of the River Rhiw. We conducted our investigation in three locations to see how the flow of water in the river changes. We also visited the confluence of the River Rhiw and River Severn, and saw many features of a river, including rapids, meanders and river engineering. As part of our science unit, we used the park equipment to demonstrate forces in action.

Science investigation in Ragleth Class

During Science this week, Ragleth Class investigated how the surface area of an object affects the rate at which it falls. We learnt about the pull and gravity and push of air resistance, using real-life contexts such as parachutes to help us understand. We timed how long it would take three pieces of paper to fall to the floor, changing the surface area each time. We concluded that the mass of an object does not affect how fast it falls.

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