RE in Clee

We have been studying Diwali in RE. Today we looked at how it is celebrated, and we learnt about Rangoli patterns.

We also had the chance to make our own Rangoli pattern using chalk, which was great fun and very messy!

Science in Clee

We have started to learn about the three different types of rocks. We have been exploring their properties and learning about how they are made.

We found out that some rocks are soft and crumbly and others are hard and smooth. We have also learnt that sedimentary rocks can contain fossils.


PSHE in Clee

We have had a wonderful start to the new school year. We have been doing lots of PSHE, thinking about ourselves and what is important to us. We have also been thinking about resilience and what we would like to achieve this year. Take a look at some of the lovely work we have produced for our new PSHE floor book.

Clee- Attingham visit

Today, we went to Attingham Park to look at plants. First we had a careers talk with Maddie, one of the gardeners at Attingham. Next we explored the different types of plants around the sight and discussed whether they were fruit, flowers or vegetables. We also looked at how some of the plants might spread their seeds. Finally, we sat and sketched some of the beautiful plants we could see around the sight, putting to use the skills we learnt in our drawing unit in art.

Maths in Clee

This week we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. Today, we had a go at constructing some different 3D shapes using straws.

Roots to Foods in Clee

Today we made our Greek dishes. We learnt lots of different techniques like rolling, chopping, steaming, mixing, and lots more. The final meal was wonderful and there were clean plates all around!

Art and healthy eating in Clee

In design and technology, we have been learning about healthy eating and the Eatwell plate. We sorted foods into the different categories and talked about eating a balanced diet and what things we might not want to eat much of.

We have also started our ancient Egypt unit in history and art. Here are some ancient Egyptian patterns that we have been studying and drawing.

A busy week in Clee

We have had a busy week in Clee. On Wednesday, we went on a bug and plant hunt with the year 2s. We also had playtime with them to help them get used to our school, ready for their transition in September.

Today, we have also begun our design and technology unit, and we got to taste lots of different Greek food ingredients and look at the packaging of the food. Lots of us thought that we didn’t like the look of the ingredients, but when we tried them, we enjoyed them and wanted more!

Art competition in Clee

Today we have been completing our final designs for the local art competition , Mini Masters, that we are entering as a whole school.

The theme was ‘My Shropshire’ and pupils created some beautiful designs based on locations all over Shropshire. Hopefully we will be able to see some of our designs in the Shrewsbury Arts Trail.

Science in Clee

This term we have been very busy studying plants in science, and as part of this, we have been growing different types of seeds to see if bigger seeds grow bigger plants. We have also been testing different growing conditions, going on a plant hunt around the school grounds, studying how plants transport water and dissecting flowers. Take a look below to see how our plants are growing.

Fractions in Clee

Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at fractions. Today we had fun using our bowling skills to help us with subtracting fractions.

Clee science

In science this term, we have been looking at plants.

Today we studied different types of seeds and tried to guess what plants they grew into.

Then set up an experiment to test whether bigger seeds grow bigger plants.

St. George’s Day in Clee

Today, we celebrated St. George’s day with dressing up, a special dinner and other activities. In Clee we made a collage of the dragon with parents. Take a look at some of the lovely dragons we created. We also talked about the values that St. George stands for and how this links to our school values.

Clee assembly

This week Clee class delivered their assembly to parents. They were really excited to share some of the work they had done over the last term, which included art sculpture work, geography work on volcanoes and earthquakes and science work on forces. Take a look at some of the photographs from our assembly.

Maths in Clee

This week we have been looking at fractions and what makes a whole. We made a ‘playdough sausage’ to cut up into different fractions to see how the whole could be divided up. Take a look at some of our work below.

Making Easter boxes in Clee

This week in Clee, we have been looking at food packaging in design and technology. We explored different types of boxes, looked at how they were made, and had a go at using different nets to make boxes. We then designed and made our own made our own Easter boxes.

Clee class visit to The Ironworks

For our art unit on sculpture, Clee class went to The Ironworks to look at amazing metal sculptures on display there.

We looked at the types of materials used and the shapes and colours used.  We hope to use some of these ideas to inspire us with designing our own sculpture in our next art lesson.

World Book Day in Clee

We had an amazing day in Clee today.

We loved having parents in to help us make shadow puppets and create our own shadow puppet plays.

We also got to read our favourite books and make our own story books to share with our friends.

Mars Day in Clee

For Mars Day, we joined in with a live virtual event presented by a space expert. In our live session we learnt about the different jobs an astronaut might have, different rocket types, the different parts of a rocket and what a moon base might look like. We also got to submit live votes on which rocket we wanted to see launch. Take a look below at some of the photos from the event today.

Magnets in Clee

This week we have been learning about contact and non-contact forces.

We learnt that magnetism works as a non-contact force because magnets don’t need to touch the object to make it work.

Science in Clee

This week. in science, we have been identifying, grouping and classifying different materials to find out if they are magnetic or non-magnetic.

We were surprised to find out that not all metals are magnetic.

Darwin day in Clee

Today, we have had a wonderful time learning about fossils. We studied real fossils and explored what they were. We then learnt about how fossils were made. Take a look at some of the work we did below.

Reading in Clee

One of our class story books this term was Seeds and Trees by Brandon Walden. It is a lovely rhyming story book which follows the story of a young prince who gathers seeds (words) from others. The seeds grow into different types of trees. As a class, we discussed what words/actions might be “good seeds” and what words/actions might be “bad seeds”.

Science in Clee

This term, we have been learning about forces, and today we experimented with magnets to find out more about a non-contact force.

Take a look at some of our work below.

Sculpture in Clee

The first lesson in our new art unit involved exploring what sculptures we could make using simple shapes and simple joining techniques.

Take a look below at some of the sculptures we created.

Handwriting Day in Clee

For National Handwriting Day, year 3 have had a competition.

We wrote out a poem called “The Swing” and our anonymous entries were all judged by another class teacher.

Here are our winning entries in Clee class.

PE in Clee

We have been enjoying invasion games this term and here we are practising our ball skills in PE today.

Design and Technology in Clee

This week we have started our design and technology unit on levers and linkages.

We are designing a Christmas card that uses levers and linkages. So far, we have explored different designs and levers. We have also had a go at making different levers and linkages to explore what would work best with our designs.

Newspaper headlines in Clee

Today we looked at different newspaper headlines. We noticed that they were often big, bold and short. We also found lots of examples of alliteration, rhyme and a play on words.

Then we had a go at writing some of our own.      

Art in Clee

This term we have been learning about observational drawing and the skills we need to shade and draw.

This week, we have been learning about abstract drawing using flowers as our inspiration. We selected our image using viewfinders. We then drew it and enlarged it before choosing our media to add colour.

Take a look below at some of the beautiful pieces of art work we have created.

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