Note from Mrs Lee
Dear Parents/Carers,
It is with pride that this newsletter further demonstrates more of the great aspects of St. George’s Junior School.
Thank you for the positive feedback that has been received – this has been very much appreciated by all staff.
We hope you all enjoyed the video link and equally feel proud of the outcome.
Mrs Lee
St. George’s Junior School is rated ‘Good’ in recent Ofsted inspection
We are delighted to share with you today the outcome of our most recent inspection in which the school received ‘Good’ in all areas of the inspection framework.
Please take time to read the report and the additional information that we would like to highlight due to the report only being a small capture of the school. We hope you also enjoy the video link, which highlights the biggest positive about this school – the pupils.
We would welcome feedback from you in collectively celebrating and sharing this well-deserved outcome.
OFSTED letter to parents 2023 – 24.4.23
Ofsted Report – Feb 2023
Sewing in Haughmond
This week, the children have been finishing off their Viking Bag sewing project. They have been working very hard to make their bags the best they can be. This has taken a lot of patience and determination, which relates to our learning behaviours from our metacognition learning and has required them to think back to their previous learning in year 4 when making the whales, in relation to the different stitches they knew and had already used. It has also been brilliant to see Haughmond working very hard across the curriculum this week since being back at school. Well done!
Creating our own branching databases in ICT – Willstone
This week, Willstone have been learning how to create branching databases. The children chose six animals, then thought of questions that can only be answered yes or no to sort them. Finally, they handed their work to a partner to test that the database worked correctly.
Exploring Neutral Tones in Art
Stiperstones class have been exploring neutral tones this week through classic pieces of art, colour mixing and investigating our surroundings here at school.
This week, we have had our first lesson of Tri- Golf. We have been learning the basics of putting and using the tick tock swing to putt the ball.
Caradoc Class Pawsb
Caradoc class are up to lesson 9 in their Pawsb learning and are finding the different practices very useful.
Today we learnt about the ‘story-telling’ mind and how it likes to fill in the gaps and can create worries and how these worries can often then snowball into bigger things.
We have enjoyed learning about the ‘Team Brain’ and are now well-versed in the roles the different parts of our brains play.
Ocarina Fun
Year 3 are working on ocarina skills.
We have leant how to hold them correctly, breath gently to make a smooth sound and cover the holes to change the pitch. Today we played Alice the Camel. It only uses 3 notes.
This week in Ercall…
The children in Ercall class have had a brilliant start to the new term. We have started our new topic of the rainforests and they are eager to learn more about the Amazon and the different animals that live there.
We also started our new unit of writing which is based on a model text called ‘Simic and the forest’, this week the children have made actions to go with the story and then spent some time thinking of synonyms for the text to ‘upcycle’ it.
Overall we have had a fantastic first few days back with Ercall class being hard working, respectful and kind.
Shropshire Schools Half Marathon
Congratulations to all of those who took part in the Shropshire Schools Half Marathon on Saturday. 84 children registered to complete their miles before undertaking the final 1.1 mile loop at the West Midlands Showground. It was a lovely morning and great to see so many children representing St George’s. Well done all!
Upcoming dates
Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday – School closed
Tuesday 9th May – SATs week Year 6
Wednesday 10th May – Year 3 Roots to Food workshop
Wednesday 10th May – Techathon – Shrewsbury School – Selected pupils
Tuesday 16th May – 9:10am – Wenlock class assembly
Wednesday 17th May – Year 6 BCLM Trip
Wednesday 24th May – 9:10am – Clee class assembly
Friday 26th May – Year 5 Sabrina Boat trip
Friday 26th May – Last day before half term
Monday 5th June – First Day back after half term
Monday 5th June – Year 5 Swimming continuing