Message from Mrs Lee
Good afternoon,
We round up the end of Autumn 1 positively. It has been a busy one and I think everyone is deserving of a break!
This week, we took all pupils to St. George’s Church to celebrate our Harvest Festival. As always, this was a delight and a pleasure to take the pupils. Excellent behaviour was shown and a very enjoyable service that helped to remind us about being ‘grateful, thoughtful and thankful’.
Thank you to our parent helpers who came with us.
Staffing update
We say goodbye and good luck to Miss Enticknap and wish her well with her studies. And, welcome back to Mrs Phillips, who has returned from maternity leave.
I wish you all a restful and enjoyable half term and look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 6th November.
Thank you for your support in working with school.
Take care,
Mrs Lee
Governor Update
Following our recent Parent Governor election, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Julie Raynor to our Local Governing Body. Both the school and the Local Governing Body are looking forward to welcoming Julie to our team, and working together to positively promote and build upon the strengths of our school.
I am always grateful for the work conducted, and the commitment given by our Local Governing Body in working with our school and our community. I know Julie will add to this strength and have a positive role in being part of this.
Mrs Lee (Acting Headteacher) and Mr R Walker (Chair of Governors)
Certificate of Achievement
Here is a certificate of achievement from Carla Whelan, Trust CEO, for our superstar pupil Bessy Price.
Well done Bessy on your amazing achievement!
Fire Safety Information
Please see below some information about fire safety from Shropshire Fire and Rescue.
primary school fact sheet.docx
Wonderful Writing in Ercall
In Ercall class we certainly have wonderful writers! This week we have been looking at different Greek Myths, our class favourite was Persephone and Hades. Then we planned our own Greek Myths, thinking about the structure of a Myth and the different mythical characters we might include. We can’t wait to write these next week!
Collograph printing in Stiperstones
In Art, we have been exploring how to use collograph printing to create a textured background.
First, we made small printing blocks using a single type of material to create a textured surface. We tried out everything from lentils and small pasta to paper straws and bubble wrap. After printing with these trial blocks, we designed and made large printing blocks, choosing our favourite materials to create varied effects in different parts of the print. In this week’s Art lesson, we used these to create several A4-sized prints, trying out different colours, papers and amounts of ink.
The next step in this project is to draw futuristic objects or scenes on these backgrounds using our choice of media. We can’t wait to see how they turn out!
Art in Wrekin
Over the half-term, we have been exploring the use of different drawing techniques, as well as texture and how shapes can be used to place key elements in a composition. Linking closely to our writing and science topics, we have learned about retro-futurism and how artists are influenced by the events the experience in the world around them. Our final piece uses the work of Teis Albers (Moonwalk) as inspiration to help us create printing plates, which we will be drawing our ideas on top of. The children have made some fabulous suggestions about what technology will be like in the future. What do you think the world will look like in 50 years?
Year 3 Careers Visit – Geologist
Today, Year 3 were inspired to “save the world,” explore amazing places and become scientists by Stephen Buss, a local geologist and parent to our very own Lucy in Wenlock. Stephen came in to share his experiences of being a geologist, including the adventures in different countries and his work in helping to reduce the environmental impact of HS2. Children learnt about other famous geologists, how they could become a geologist and what a geologist does.
It was clear that many of the Year 3 children will be thinking of a career in geology for the future.
The Year threes also impressed Stephen with their knowledge of Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic rocks, Greywacke, quarries, and much more from their science lessons and school trip.
Ragleth Class river visit
On Wednesday, Ragleth Class went on a visit to Berriew and Glansevern Hall. We went to carry out an investigation into the flow of the River Rhiw. We conducted our investigation in three locations to see how the flow of water in the river changes. We also visited the confluence of the River Rhiw and River Severn, and saw many features of a river, including rapids, meanders and river engineering. As part of our science unit, we used the park equipment to demonstrate forces in action.
Changing the pitch in Corndon!
This week in science children have been investigating how to change pitch. Children were given straws to make flutes from, we discussed how the vibrations of the sound would increase in a shorter piece of material compared to a long piece. Much fun was had, and children had a great understanding of how pitch can change.
Hot writing in Lawley
This week in Lawley class the children completed their hot write tasks which was to write a poem based on fireworks which links to our class text The Firework-makers Daughter by Phillip Pullman.
It was lovely to see them so eager, and engaged whilst writing, lots of them were so keen to write and share their poems so we also added their poems onto seesaw for parents and carers to see. The poems that Lawley produced are brilliant and have lots of features in (simile’s, metaphors, ellipsis, commas, onomatopoeia and adjectives.)
Well done Lawley class on producing such amazing work.
RE and Art in Clee
In RE we have been studying Hinduism and Diwali. We looked at some of the traditions and activities that happen during Diwali. Diya lamps are often used during the festival, and we have made some of our own.
In art, we have been looking at shading, texture and botanical drawing. This week we studied some of the parts of a flower and drew them.
Haughmond Art
Last week, the children focussed on going ‘beyond the pencil’ and experimenting with using different materials to make a collograph plate. We used ‘Moonwalk’ by Teis Albers to inspire us on creating a Space themed piece of art and discussed how this piece would have been constructed, how the different marks would have been made and what media would have been used to create the marks. The next step for this piece of learning will be printing with the collograph plates and building up an image similar to ‘Moonwalk’. The children had great fun working on this.
Diva Lamps in Wenlock
For this half term, we have been learning about Diwali and how to story of Rama and Sita symbolises light over darkness. Traditionally, Hindu’s would create diva lamps to guide Rama and Sita home. We created our own diva lamps using clay and paint. Take a look at our creations:
First, we had to mould the clay into the shape we wanted, smoothing the edges and adding in extra details.
Then, after a waiting a whole week for the clay to dry, we were finally ready to paint them.
Shropshire BEAM October Half Term Workshops
Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership Flyer
Please see flyer below regarding Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership
STEP A5 advertising Flyer – MASTER
Message from the PTFA
Thanks for all your donations for the Halloween Trail. We hope the kids had fun. 🎃
And, looking to next term…Save the Date for our PTFA Christmas Fair – Friday 1st December after school – more details to come. If any parents (or Teachers or friends) would like to run a stall, please get in touch on 🎄
Have a great half-term break from all at the PTFA
Upcoming Dates
Friday 27th October- PD Day
Wednesday 8th November- Clee Class Assembly to parents
Thursday 9th November- UKS2 Gymnastics Event (selected pupils)
Thursday 9th November- Live Music Assembly
Friday 10th November- Remembrance
Monday 13th November- Parents Evening (3.30-6.20pm)
Tuesday 14th November- Flu Vaccinations in school
Wednesday 15th November- Parents Evening (3.30-6.20pm)
Wednesday 15th November- Willstone Class Assembly to parents
Friday 17th November- Children in Need